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Top 5 Game-Changing AI Applications In The Sports Industry

The adoption of AI in the FIFA World Cup 2022 will allow video match officials to get real-time offside alerts and improve the viewer experience. With modern data tools and algorithms, Artificial Intelligence has completely transformed how we interact with the world and brands market their products. In the sports industry, technology is becoming more prevalent as it helps teams with post-game analysis, improves fan experience, and enhances player performance.

Although AI technology is in its nascent stage, the sports industry is witnessing endless use cases and benefits of emerging tech. FIFA World Cup 2022 will use AI to detect social media abuse among the players, making it an AI-powered world cup. This guide will reveal the role of emerging techs, the top 5 AI trends for the sports industry, and the innovative ways to use them.

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Role Of Artificial Intelligence In the Sports Industry

The advent of new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Machine Learning, etc., has changed the face of every industry, including sports. Brands, viewers, and players use Artificial Intelligence tools in multiple ways to improve strategizing, advertising, broadcasting, and player training.


One of the biggest brands, Adidas, has jumped onto the bandwagon for FIFA World Cup 2022 by creating NFT characters for advertisement. Likewise, other brands are incorporating different ways to leverage the new technology and gain an edge against the competition. The new wave of AI in the sports industry will transform the way players used to watch the FIFA World Cup, and brands use it to promote their services.

5 AI Trends For The Sports Industry

The benefits of AI in the sports industry are endless, and that is why the AI segment is expected to reach $19.2 billion by 2030. Many biggest names in the sports industry are leveraging the power of AI, including Major League Baseball (MLB), the National Football League (NFL), and the National Basketball Association (NBA). FIFA World Cup 2022 is adopting Artificial Intelligence to enhance viewers’ experience and help players improve their training and play. Below is the list of top AI applications or use cases in the sports industry.

  • Improve Viewer Experience

Sports teams are incorporating Artificial Intelligence to enhance the fan experience and make them feel valued with personalized service. A few use cases of AI to improve viewer experience include creating virtual reality experiences and matching fans with their stadium seats. AI tools help offer personalized content to viewers and help them interact with their favorite players via chatbot. With advanced tech, it is possible to monitor social media to see what fans say about FIFA World Cup 2022 and the players to avoid hatred and abusive content.

  • Predictive Modeling

Another major AI trend in FIFA World Cup 2022 is predictive modeling, which helps teams predict future trends. The information gathered from a player’s past performance can be utilized to predict future trends and identify which players are likely to get injured. AI helps predict breakout seasons, injuries, and underperformance to help sports teams make strategic decisions.

  • Customized Training Programs 

The trend of customized training programs is growing by leaps and bounds, especially in the FIFA World Cup 2022. Athletes use AI tools to create personalized training programs that meet their needs and help them monitor their progress to improve performance. With the information received from AI tools, athletes can revamp their gaming strategy and overall game.

  • Prevent Injuries

The team has to incur financial damage if a player gets injured during a match. AI promises to prevent monetary loss due to injuries by helping teams monitor players’ health beforehand. The AI tool tracks the various health parameters of the individual and identifies the players at risk of injury.

  • Better Sports Equipment

Big companies are using AI to manufacture better, more accurate, and more powerful sports equipment. Adidas, for instance, recently developed an AI-powered soccer ball with an adjustable flight path to improve accuracy. The primary role of using Artificial Intelligence during the manufacturing of sports products is to improve their performance and accuracy, leading to improved gaming.

Brands can integrate the latest technologies to market their products and services on various social media platforms, including Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc., during the FIFA World Cup 2022 and remain ahead of the competition.

Enter The World Of AI With Inferenz Experts

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the sports industry by improving player safety and gaming strategy with predictive modeling. Aside from players, marketers are bringing Web3 to FIFA World Cup 2022 to improve their marketing strategy, engage more customers, and drive sales.

As you see, the future of the sports industry goes hand-in-hand with emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence. If you are an enterprise owner looking to improve your strategies in FIFA World Cup 2022 with AI tools, get in touch with the skilled team of Inferenz to build AI applications.