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7 Things Modern L&D Professionals Should Be Doing

As the Pandemic hit the World in 2019, digitalization of the entire L&D is the biggest revolution in the field of Knowledge Sharing.

The era of learning has changed drastically. Learners nor the techniques have remained the same now. The last couple of years of the Pandemic has turned things upside down. In fact, we have discovered skills, creativity, and passion that we could never think of or could never have even attempted. Over a period of time, organizations, companies, professionals, and almost all individuals have learned to grow and understand the importance of knowledge and .earning in life. Hence they are eager to learn and be informed, updated, and smart to walk confidently with the evolving world.

With this alteration of learning, let’s discover the latest L&D trends every Learning professional must be updated about in 2022.

  • Reskilling and Upskilling for Digital Workplace.
  • Content Repurposing.
  • Agile Learning.
  • Customized Learning Experience.
  • Engaging and Impactful Material.
  • Collaborative Knowledge sharing.
  • Gamification

1- Reskilling and Upskilling for Digital Workplace.

The digital era has trained the young generation naturally to be adopted the technology molding their professional life accordingly. A press release in Feb 2021 says, because of the evolving scenario, 58 % of the existing workforce in the organization needs new skill sets to do their job efficiently.

Organizations are now wanting their employees to be in pace with technology or learn new skills in accordance with the same. Hence, upskilling and Reskilling have become the mandate for sustaining in the digital workplace.

Upskilling, which means adding an existing skill set within a role due to technology, and Reskilling means learning and adding a new skill for a different job role. Free and democratic social media access has made people become self-learners.

2- Content Repurposing

The content is an extremely important aspect of learning and development because its quality of it ensures the interest of the reader, viewer, or learner. However, it is extremely important to keep revising and making it more interesting, catchy, and convenient for today’s learners. Creating and repurposing such content increases learners’ interest as well as adds to several competitive advantages, improves SEO, and targets a better audience.

Many companies research and proves that this increases their page views and posting the same content with different flavor also helps them identify which form of content is giving them the best results. Repurposing content also helps you save time in creating new content, topics, and keyword research.

3- Agile Learning

Learning and Development (L&D) Agile way of learning is basically to roll out the training content and knowledge in bits and parts that are distributing or breaking a large volume of content into paramount or small content for better and quick learning.

Things like a quick read, audio, activity, and video knowledge in a small bit, and parts that induce quick and effective understanding amongst the receivers.

ALSO READ: 5 Essential Tips for Corporate Learning

4- Customized Learning Experience

The old approach of “One size fits all” is not acceptable to the kind of learners we have today in the era of digitalization. Just like the way not all fingers are of the same size, we have a wide range of learners, their types, learning style, capabilities, and absorption levels. The learning leaders need to revise their approach and put efforts into providing or creating user-friendly content that the learner can access at their ease.

  • Creating specified training paths.
  • Using AI technology ensures learners’ control over their own learning.
  • Self-paced learning.

Creating content that is close to user experience is the demand of the time because of the big shift in the learning era and the learners both.


5- Engaging and Impactful

In the e-learning world, the learning level becomes extraordinary when you have content that appeals to the learner. Content that engages them mentally and them feel more focused and involved in the process. These quick tips, like real-life experiences, factual information, case studies, short and simple yet interactive, gamified content, pictorial, audio-based, etc., keep the learner engaged and impacted.

6- Collaborative Knowledge sharing
Collaborative Knowledge sharing is used as a strategy for organizational development. The sharing of any information or knowledge, or skill grows more with communication, transfer, and sharing of knowledge, discussions, developmental programs, and interactions through one-to-one or using social media. Human resources can play a major role and play a strategy or practice to create collaborative knowledge-sharing work culture by implementing all of the above.

7- Gamification
When learning becomes fun, it’s more in demand. There are several ways now to make training and learning more evolved and interesting to increase their usefulness. Games have always been fun for all age groups; people love to play and win. It’s an exciting way to interact with the online world. It certainly improves the absorption of knowledge and retention of the same and keeps the learning process ongoing and in demand.


Digitalization has profoundly impacted the Learning and development (L&D) sector. There is an extremely progressive and positive revolution that is taking place for the excellent development of future generations.