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Web 3.0 Tutorial: Ultimate Guide for Students, Developers, and Enterprises

The new era of computing has begun, and Web 3.0 tutorial is becoming the trending search by developers, students, and business owners alike. The technologies like Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality, Metaverse, SocialFi, and GameFi Suite, are expanding the opportunities, leaving no space to discuss the old Web 2.0 term.

The concept of Web 3.0 is based on making Internet communication decentralized, efficient, and transparent while transitioning the web from a passive to a dynamic and interactive social space. The hype around blockchain and other Web 3.0-based technologies make Web 3.0 developers a lucrative career prospect for emerging talents. This Web 3.0 tutorial is the ultimate guide for students, developers, and enterprises looking to learn about the features of the new technology and utilize it to gain an edge in the competitive market. 

ALSO READ: 15 Ways Machine Learning Expands Your Business in 2022

Web 3.0 Tutorial For Students

With the advancements in business technology, applications, software, and devices, imagining a future without the Internet seems impossible. A report by Emergen Research states that the global Web 3.0 market will reach USD 81.5 billion by the end of 2030, growing at a CAGR of 43.7%. Learning advanced technology from the Web 3.0 tutorials will equip students with the right skills to fully leverage the technology. Here are a few ways that make Web 3.0 crucial for everyone, including students:


  • Data Security 

Web 3 improves the privacy and security of data sharing due to the decentralized nature of blockchain technology. Users are the sole proprietor of data and can keep their information secured from being misused by the companies.

  • Personalized Experience 

Incorporating the Internet of Things, Web 3.0, ML, and AI will provide every user with a better user-centric and personalized Internet experience.

  • Career Opportunities 

Web 3 is a prominent career opportunity for students. They can watch Web 3.0 tutorials, improve their skills, and better understand new concepts. YouTube and Web 3.0 communities are the best sources for students to learn about the latest trends in the NFT marketplace, metaverse technology, and other Web 3.0-based concepts.


Web 3.0 Tutorial For Developers 

With blockchain technology becoming prominent, the Web 3 industry desperately needs developers for NFT development, applications, and software. Here is detailed information about becoming a Solidity and Blockchain specialist.

  • Learn Smart Contract and Solidity Basics 

Developers need to learn the basics of Smart contracts and Solidity, as there are the two most essential tech stacks they need to focus on to enter the Web 3.0 industry. Solidity, in simple words, is a high-level object-oriented programming language that helps developers to create smart contracts. Solidity generates machine-level code that runs on EVM chains, and smart contracts govern the account behavior in the Ethereum state to help developers understand blockchain programming.

  • Understand Blockchain Fundamentals 

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence technologies are expanding exponentially, making them prominent for Web 3.0 developers. Blockchain technology is a solid foundation for Web 3 as it transforms the data in the web backend, contributing to a backend revolution.

  • Learn About AR/VR Frameworks 

As Metaverse is more about virtual reality, there is a drastic shift from 2D to 3D applications. Stan Trenev, a blockchain professional and CEO of Coinbet, said that web 3.0 developers should be part of Web 3.0 culture and walk into users’ shoes to build a successful project. That said, web3 developers must focus on equipping themselves with the skills related to AR/VR frameworks like A-frame, three.js, and babylon.js to create distinct applications using modern technology.

Developers can watch Web 3.0 tutorials to learn more about the skills required to excel in the field and build the next-gen NFT, GameFi, and DeFi products on the Fire Blocks Web3 engine.


Web 3.0 Tutorial For Enterprises

Web 3 uses blockchain technology that powers smart contracts, decentralized apps, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and cryptocurrency. The new wave of technology is impacting businesses in multiple ways, and some of the significant benefits that Web 3 technology offers to grow companies include the following:

  • Streamline Business Processes 

The third-generation Internet is enabling business owners to streamline their business processes. Organizations can safely store invoices, transaction details, and booking details in the database to ease business operations. With the help of smart contracts, business owners can automate business contracts and manage their supply chain to improve profits.

  • Enables Efficient Collaboration 

Web 3.0 eliminates third-party services, enabling organizations and businesses to store and effectively communicate essential information with employees, customers, and suppliers. Blockchain technology’s easy and efficient collaboration will help companies to save resources and make quick business decisions.

  • Improve Data Access 

Data is one of the most valuable acquisitions for businesses of all sizes as it helps them improve business decisions and gain insights into their day-to-day operations. Since Web 3 utilizes blockchain technology, it will provide faster data access across disparate channels. As a result, it offers better data transparency and protection and will help organizations gain customer loyalty by being accountable for their actions.

Inferenz blockchain development services help business owners develop and deploy the latest technologies and boost their business productivity. The blockchain developers of Inferenz have worked with a leading manufacturer of optical systems and optoelectronics to reduce 70% cost and give access to complete data. Here is the detailed case study – Learn More.


Web 3.0 – The Real Future Of The Internet 

Web 3.0, the third version of the Internet, which uses Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Machine Learning, is undoubtedly the future of the Internet. With the world migrating to centralized Internet, a massive wave in the form of a global digital revolution is expected. Users can expect improved digital services, whereas enterprises can envision a way to improve business operations, automate repetitive tasks, and get fast data access.

Inferenz’s experts help enterprises leverage the benefits of modern data tools and technologies for their business growth. The blockchain consultants will assist business owners in understanding the latest technologies with detailed Web 3.0 tutorials and deliver services that meet their unique business needs.