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10 Common Challenges Enterprises Face While Cloud Data Migration 

Cloud computing is becoming necessary for businesses in the digital era, and more enterprises are investing in cloud data migration. Cloud systems are propelled to the forefront of the digital revolution due to the rising need for integrated solutions that store and aggregate customer data to gain insights and improve the business decision-making process. 

A successful cloud data migration improves scalability, reduces the risk of data breaches or cyber-attacks, and decreases costs, which might derail your business in the long run. However, each cloud migration process is unique, and business professionals should build an end-to-end strategy when transitioning to a cloud environment. This guide will help enterprises learn the importance and challenges of switching to the cloud.

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Importance Of Cloud Data Migration 

A new market research report released by MarketsandMarkets™ indicates that the cloud market will be worth $832.1 billion by 2025. The exponential growth of the cloud is why businesses switch from their on-premise data to cloud-based solutions daily. Some of the main advantages of choosing AWS cloud migration services include the following:

  • Improves flexibility and scalability by deploying applications quickly 
  • Enhances security as clouds have robust built-in security features 
  • Boosts operational efficiency and reduces the overall cost 
  • Reduces infrastructure complexities and improves collaboration between teams 
  • Improves employee productivity with access to multiple tools, applications, and resources


Challenges In Cloud Data Migration 

Businesses that plan to move to the cloud should identify the struggles and challenges beforehand to ensure long-term cloud migration success. Some of the most common challenges involved in cloud data migration include the following:

  • Complexity 

Cloud data migration is a complex process, and things can go awry during or post-migration without expert assistance and strategic planning. Preparation is the key to avoiding the complexities and reducing the overall cost of cloud migration in 2023.

  • Cost 

Switching to the cloud involves a few expenses, such as training the in-house team to use the modern technology, charges related to AWS cloud migration services, and upgrading the network connectivity. Business owners must plan their IT budget to ensure that the cost of cloud migration does not exceed the budget limits.

  • Security 

When data is transitioned from physical servers to cloud solutions, business owners need to ensure that there are no potential vulnerabilities during the migration. Data should be backed up, compliant with the data security compliance standards, and end-to-end encrypted to avoid the threat of data breach and ensure a safe transition.

  • Bandwidth

Many business owners fail to map out the bandwidth requirements and network constraints that become a significant challenge during the AWS cloud migration process. Failure to consider the bandwidth can negate the cloud benefits and result in latency, leading to an inefficient cloud migration process.

  • Adaptability 

Adaptability in cloud migration involves how fast the in-house team can cope with the new technology deployed into their business. The team should be ready to adopt a new approach and allocate technical resources, authority, funding, and staffing to make the transition smooth and manage the business operations.

  • Vendor Lock-In

Switching cloud vendors can be cost-intensive and time-consuming, and business owners need to research while choosing the potential one to minimize vendor lock-in. 

Inferenz offers AWS cloud data migration services to help organizations transition from on-premise to cloud computing at a reduced cost.

  • Interoperability 

All the applications migrated to the cloud are compatible, and experts must focus on identifying the interoperability issues between cloud services and on-premise systems to make the migration successful.

  • Downtime 

Network outages will be one of the biggest challenges in 2023 due to the massive volumes of data stored in the database. Interruptions while switching to the cloud and moving large amounts of on-premise data can cause irretrievable data loss, affecting the success of the migration.

  • Capability 

Many businesses try to shift their data from on-premises to the cloud without hiring an expert team for cloud data migration. A lack of strategy and capabilities can lead to potential cloud migration issues and overspending due to the repetition of the process.

  • Resistance 

Many midsize and large-sized enterprises have to deal with cloud adoption resistance when the in-house team resists the massive change in the organization. Failure to identify and solve the issue early on can lead to delays down the road and increase cloud migration costs.

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Avail Cloud Data Migration Services in 2022 

Cloud data migration is the need of the new digital era for businesses of all sizes. The best way to make the AWS cloud migration process successful is by working with an experienced IT partner, as one wrong step can lead to additional risks, such as latency and data breaches.

Inferenz’s cloud data migration services help SMEs and large-sized enterprises migrate to the cloud by simplifying the AWS migration process. Our experts understand the cloud challenges specific to your business, find ideal solutions, and make cloud migration seamless. Contact us to know more!