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Which Has High Demand AWS Vs GCP: Ultimate Beginners Guide

The AWS vs GCP blog provides a detailed comparative analysis between the two best cloud computing platforms of 2023. Keep reading to understand which cloud platform has high demand in 2023 and beyond. 

Many SMEs and large enterprises have adopted computing platforms, leading to the emergence of new cloud storage services. Google Cloud storage and AWS are two leading cloud service providers, dominating the cloud market share

Since the inception of AWS in 2002, cloud computing service has dominated the cloud market. It has maintained a significant margin from other cloud solutions like Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. 

Google launched its Google Cloud Platform in 2008, which soon began gaining market traction. Thus, companies began to find AWS and GCP as two tough competitors. In this AWS vs GCP guide for beginners, we will cover which cloud platform has high demand in 2023. 

Why Choose GCP Over AWS (Amazon Web Services)? 

When choosing the top cloud provider, you will undoubtedly discover three major cloud providers: AWS, Azure, and GCP. According to the Google Trends graph, AWS has always maintained a significant margin over GCP in the last five years. Let us see how Google Cloud vs AWS Cloud service differs in demand. 


The main reason for AWS’s domination is the wide range of AWS products and services it offers to its users. On the other hand, the AWS alternative — GCP, is continuously growing and giving a tough fight to the largest cloud solution. Many enterprises are choosing GCP over AWS as it is relatively cheaper in pricing. When customers choose cloud by Google, they receive $300 in credits for GCP services and products up to the free monthly usage limit. 

Aside from pricing, GCP has the best Machine Learning platform. The vast number of products and services, from low-level VMs for Deep Learning to high-level APIs, make GCP suitable for ML enthusiasts and businesses. While AWS focuses more on Serverless, Google Cloud customers can leverage the benefits of Kubernetes, which provides a friendly ecosystem to run much workload. 

If you are a developer planning to build Gen-Z apps using a cloud machine learning engine and artificial intelligence, choose Google Cloud Platform. It features high security and compliance, all thanks to the recent update of Vertex AI and Gen App Builder. 

Which Cloud Is Most Demanding In 2023? 

A recent survey indicates that the cloud computing market size will exceed $1 trillion by 2028. Therefore, it’s safe to say that the cloud market is evolving. Companies should focus on choosing the most demanding cloud platform in 2023 to secure their business data and stay ahead. 

Below are the three highly public cloud platforms, Azure, AWS, or GCP, which will dominate the public cloud market in 2023. 

Amazon Web Services 

Compared to Google Cloud Platform, cloud giant Amazon Web Services is regarded as the largest cloud service provider worldwide and market leader. It currently spans around 99 availability zones within 31 geographic regions worldwide. AWS also announced plans for 15 more availability zones and 5 AWS regions in Israel, Malaysia, Canada, New Zealand, and Thailand. 

Microsoft Azure 

Like AWS, Microsoft Azure is the second largest global public cloud service provider, offering a hybrid cloud experience. The cloud platform presently has 60 regions and 116 availability zones distributed throughout the United States, Asia Pacific, the Americas, the Middle East, and many more.

Google Cloud Platform 

Google Cloud Services have around 37 regions, 112 zones, and 187 network Edge locations, making it the third largest cloud infrastructure solution. The GCP provides an assemblage of services and products that operates on the same infrastructure as that of Google, YouTube, etc. 

The best cloud computing platform choice will depend on the specific business needs. For instance, AWS provides over 200 fully featured services to its users, including compute, storage, and database. Hence, you can choose AWS over GCP if you want more assistance. 

On the other hand, GCP is the enterprise-ready cloud service provider that helps developers to build, test, and deploy applications. In addition, the pay-as-you-go pricing model of GCP cloud computing solutions makes it an affordable choice for startups. If you are still confused between Google Cloud and AWS, contact Inferenz data and cloud migration experts. 

Choose The Best Cloud Platform Between AWS Vs GCP 

Comparing these two cloud technologies and choosing one seems a tough call. This is because both cloud solutions are decent and have thriving cloud communities. As a user, you have to pick a cloud platform that meets your needs and budget constraints. 

For instance, during AWS vs GCP comparison, the Google Cloud provider offers multiple machine learning frameworks and utilities. You can easily integrate them with Google Cloud. If the prime goal is analytics, GCP could be an ideal choice between Amazon and Google Cloud. 

Whether you’re planning to migrate on-premise data to the cloud or switch from one vendor to another, it is essential to have the expertise and understand the migration process. At Inferenz, we take pride in helping SMEs and large enterprises shift from on-premise data to the cloud and choose the best cloud solution — AWS vs GCP — that matches their requirements.