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Data Migration Process: Best Practices To Migrate Data Effectively

Data migration involves transferring millions of data units from the existing database to a new system to boost productivity and reduce storage costs with the upgraded applications. Modern businesses powered by big data should follow a well-structured process to move data from inputs to the data lake, from the data warehouse to any data mart, or to migrate data from one repository to another without dealing with a data breach.

A lack of adequate data migration strategy or failure of the process midway can lead to over-budget issues and affect business operations. In addition, businesses can find it hard to move data from one system to another without dealing with data loss if they do not follow a rock-solid data migration process. In this data migration ultimate guide, enterprises and beginners will understand different types of data migration and the best practices they can follow to avoid any problems during the process.


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Types Of Data Migration Services

The data migration process involves transferring existing business data from one system to another to improve data quality and business profits. However, before commencing the process, data migration experts need to focus on data preparation, extraction, and transformation to ensure that all data is transferred to the new system. Below are the six main data migration types every enterprise owner should know.

  • Storage Migration

Modern business requires effective and unique data-storing solutions that suit their business needs. As the demand for technology upgrades is rising to stay competitive in the digital world, many big enterprises that rely on mainframes will move to virtual servers in 2022 and beyond. Storage migration involves transferring data from one physical medium to another or hardware to cloud-based storage solutions to maximize business profits.

  • Database Migration

Database migration is switching from an old database to a new vendor to make information easy to manage and access for the in-house team. There are generally two types of database migration – homogeneous and heterogeneous data migration processes. The former involves upgrading to the latest version of DBMS and is accessible, whereas the latter consists of switching to a new DBMS that incorporates complexities.

  • Application Migration 

Application migration occurs when an enterprise changes its application vendor or application software. It is a complex data migration type as the source and target infrastructure has different data models and uses distinctive data formats that threaten data integrity.

  • Cloud Migration

Due to the benefits of cloud data migration, many organizations plan to move data from on-premise to the cloud. A report by Gartner indicates that the IT spending of enterprises will increase from $1.3 trillion to $1.8 trillion from 2022 to 2025. The best way to move data from on-premises to the cloud is by leveraging the right data migration tool that fits business needs and ensures no data breach during the process.

  • Business Process Migration

When two businesses merge, they require transferring information, database, and business applications to the new environment. It involves mergers and acquisitions that help companies to enter a new market and overcome competitive challenges with a new business process.

  • Data Center Migration

A data center, a real-world location, is the place where enterprises keep all their critical data and information. It consists of servers, equipment, IT technology, network, and switches. The data center migration process involves relocating all digital assets or existing wires and computers to a new system and servers to enhance productivity and efficiency.

Inferenz data experts help SMEs and large enterprises migrate data from one system to another with the best data migration tools. Data experts of Inferenz have recently helped a leading US-based healthcare service provider by implementing quick and efficient data warehouse solutions. Read out the detailed case study here.

Best Data Migration Practices

Data migration processes can vary from simple to complex, depending on the volumes of data being transferred and the differences between source and target locations. Following some golden rules is the best way to avoid critical delays in migration and make the overall process smooth.

  • Before executing the data migration process, business professionals should use tested backup resources to back up all the data and prevent data loss during migration. 
  • Cleaning old data is critical to eliminating inferior quality data and raising its quality standards before it is transmitted to the new system. 
  • Enterprises should set up a dedicated migration team and strategy to steer the project in the right direction and get the expected results. 
  • Data experts should use practical data migration tools and keep testing the whole process from planning, designing, executing, and maintaining data at different phases. 
  • Experts should switch off the old database system after completing the data migration process. 

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Migrate Your Data With Inferenz Experts

Several factors can affect data transmission from one system to another and contribute to losing essential business data. To ensure security, data experts must focus on encrypting the complete business information before beginning data migration.

Inferenz data migration experts help businesses migrate data from start to end, including planning, auditing, backing up, designing, executing, testing, and auditing. If you are an enterprise looking forward to migrating the on-premise data, Inferenz experts can help you make your data migration smooth and successful.